Saturday, October 07, 2006


Together - Conversations on being the church...
It's open-ended. There is no goal. The conversation is what it is all about...the important part.

What is the church? The body of Christ...but are we acting like the body of Christ? If not, can we actually say that the's that body?

What is supposed to be and what actually is. Do they ever become one?

Over heard at Camp Bethel: "You can thank Lefty Hoal for that building there." Actually, Lefty didn't build it, but it was built in his memory by people whose lives were altered for the better by Lefty's support, advertisements and hard work at Camp Bethel. So, I guess the man was right. We can thank Lefty Hoal...for the building and so much more.

Young adults, grieving over the death of their 'Nana.'
Beautiful baby boy falling asleep in my arms.

My girls in my house again.
Family coming to dinner.

What is supposed to be and what actually is. Yes, with the grace of God, they do sometimes become one.

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