Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Church History

Church History class - trying to cram thousands of years into a few hundred pages and 12 hours of class time. This is Christian Growth Institute. I find myself both appalled and enthralled at the same time when reading of the Fathers, the writers, the Popes, the monks. I wonder at the vague possibility that I can even come close to understanding the scriptures and the teachings of Jesus when those who were so much closer, at least in time, struggled so to get it right.

I read of political powers who controlled the church and the religious leaders who allowed them to. I read of religious leaders who purchased their positions, who encouraged the slaughter of innocents and so-called heretics. Then comes Erasmus.

"Christ desires his philosophy to be spread as widely as possible. He died for all and he wants to be known by all...If Christ did not prevent them from hearing his words, I will not prevent them from reading his books."

"Is it impossible to be united to the Trinity without being capable of explaining the distinction between the Father and the Son or between the Spirit and the other two persons? What matters, that to which we have to apply all our energies, is to purge our soul of passions: envy, hatred, pride, greed, concupiscense. Unless I have a pure heart, I shall never see God. Unless I forgive my brother, God will not forgive me...We shall never be damned for not knowing whether the principle of the Holy Spirit is single or double; but we shall not escape damnation unless we try to possess the fruits of the Spirit...Nowadays appeal is made to an ecumenical council to decide on many problems; but we would do much better to postpone them until the day when we see God face to face...By force and by fear we are trying to make people believe things that they do not believe, to make them love what they do not love, and to compel them to understand what they do not understand. Constraint cannot bring people together in sincerity; and Christ only accepts the voluntary gift of our souls."

I really, really like this guy.