Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Thanks be to God

To take a lead from B, I have decided to try to make note of the positive things from each...well as close as I I have found myself bombarded daily with negatives and I know that if I don't take time to really look for, appreciate and give thanks for the positives, I will, sooner or later, find myself slipping down to a place I have no desire to go.

Even though it is a day late...for Tuesday, May 30:

clients who say "Thank you" and mean it, quiet office time, sweet tea, June's outstretched hand and smile of recognition, being able to be there for a friend, working with Rob on a project and getting it done, sitting and talking with Leah

Monday, May 22, 2006


Note to self: new tri-focals, shoes with heels and pre-existing nausea do not a good combo make.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

If only...

life could be this simple.

My little Great-nephew Henry.

I think one of the reasons we like to watch babies sleep is because there seems to be nothing but peace in their little faces. We look on with awe at the slumber of little ones and wish. If only....