Wednesday, October 25, 2006


... lunch with the sisters, chocolate cake, books by women preachers from sisters who are not too sure, candles, lotions for pampering, e-mails from young women I admire, e-cards and IPods. All in all, not a shabby birthday.

And still...

For 40 years I shared this day with my Daddy. For 40 years, we blew out candles together, took turns opening gifts and sat grinning sheepishly while family sang "Happy Birthday." 40 years. Not enough.

Happy Birthday, Daddy. I miss you.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The safest place on earth...

Larry Crabb wrote a book titled, "The Safest Place on Earth." I have used parts of the book several times for adult and youth presentations. When I speak of the book and it's subject, the church, I often tell a story of a young man who found the church to be just that - the safest place on earth for him.

The young man grew up in "the church," but as he became older, became further and futher distanced from the place, the people and the God he had known as a boy. The pastor of his home church came into the sanctuary one morning to find the young man asleep under one of the pews. Recognizing him, the pastor woke him and asked why he was there. The young man replied that he was in deep trouble, he was desperate, and that church was the only place he knew where he had ever been completely safe.

I thought of Crabb's book today and this story because of something that happened in my church. As I was leaving worship, I heard someone say that a wallet was missing from one of the choir members' purse. Then another. Then another. I stopped and checked my own purse - no wallet. Altogether 5 ladies' wallets had been stolen from purses kept in the bottom of the closet of the choir room during worship. Drivers' licenses, insurance cards, cash, credit cards and in a couple of instances, car keys. All gone.

Many years ago, I had had some video tapes taken from my car during a Wednesday night choir practice. I was absolutely furious. I ranted and raved for many days - if not aloud, in my head and heart. This time is different. I am concerned because the person has my home address and a key to my husband's car. I am slightly agrivated that I will have to go stand in line at the DMV for probably what will be a long time to get a new license. The Driver's License can be replaced, the debit card cancelled, but a car is a different matter. I say I am concerned and that is it. I have been inconvenienced, but I am not furious as before. I don't wish harm to come to the person who brought an act of violence into my church, invaded my privacy and stole my property - like I did before. I realize that we are all safe and all that was taken can be replaced.

We are all safe.

I am not sure all of the other ladies agree with me.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Optimism of children

Eric sits at the table eating lunch...peanut butter crackers and apple slices. On his plate remain 3 crackers and several apple slices. He decides to show me how he has mastered math at his young age.

"Tawa, if I eat one cracker, that leaves two. Then, if I eat one cracker, that leaves one. Then, if I eat one cracker, that!"

I pray that my favorite oldest great nephew will always see the glass as being half full!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Seeing old friends and catching up on children, grandchildren, parents.
Listening to oldies while driving surrounded by the beauty of autumn.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Teach your children well...

Violence within...violence without

One school system is teaching the children how to "fight back" should they see someone with a gun in their school. It seems they have a former British military man instructing children how to respond in emergency situations that includes "throwing anything they can get their hands on at the person and charging directly at them."

One opinion of the new training suggested that the methods being taught were those taught to adult military personnel and not applicable to children.

"I would be concerned if this were in my child's school," said another.

I am concerned that this is being taught in any school.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Together - Conversations on being the church...
It's open-ended. There is no goal. The conversation is what it is all about...the important part.

What is the church? The body of Christ...but are we acting like the body of Christ? If not, can we actually say that the's that body?

What is supposed to be and what actually is. Do they ever become one?

Over heard at Camp Bethel: "You can thank Lefty Hoal for that building there." Actually, Lefty didn't build it, but it was built in his memory by people whose lives were altered for the better by Lefty's support, advertisements and hard work at Camp Bethel. So, I guess the man was right. We can thank Lefty Hoal...for the building and so much more.

Young adults, grieving over the death of their 'Nana.'
Beautiful baby boy falling asleep in my arms.

My girls in my house again.
Family coming to dinner.

What is supposed to be and what actually is. Yes, with the grace of God, they do sometimes become one.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Love feast

The blocks should be turned this way...
That's way too many tables...
No we have never had pitchers of water...
I don't cut meat...
I don't think there is enough...
Well, we only have enough ice...
Don't put cold water in those buckets this time...
She has already gotten what she needed...
Well, they are right there...
That has got to be covered...
Here's my jars, be sure they get filled...

We are here by invitation...
Lord, is it I...
Will you let me be your servant...
Jesus cared about feet... many the meal we are about to eat together here...
All who are in love and community with your brothers and sisters, who do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, who humbly put your trust in Christ and desire his help that you may lead a holy life, draw near...
Take, break, eat and live...
Take drink and live...
Blessed be the tie that binds...

First Church
Love feast