Monday, July 07, 2008

Are you really paying for the car in front of you too?

Thought I was going to get off easy today. Take fresh water to job sites, maybe help hang some drywall. But no. Pulling up floors, piling up old moldy, ratty insulation and pushing new insulation through a hole. That's what I got to do. Margaret, the lady who owned the house seemed quite upset when she saw all we were doing and how difficult it seemed. Another advisor, Sarah, told her, "Well, it has got to be done and we're here." Margaret was so appreciative. In the midst of the hauling, prybarring and sweating, the lovely lady offerred us some hot coffee. Instead, we headed to Wendy's for milkshakes, floats and Frosty's. That vanilla milkshake was one of the best ever! What was it that made it and the "breakfast for dinner" so delicious? I think it was satisfaction and exhaustion from a job well done.

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