Friday, June 29, 2007

Playing catch-up

"this is a ministry that was literally dropped on our doorstep! How can we not respond?"
Michael's passion
seeing the old familiar gleam in Jeremy's eyes
ooooooh child things are gonna get easier, things'll get brighter
no asbestos floating around!!!!
Service man to pastor: How can I be saved?....You answered just right...there's no charge.
actually finding a bathing suit that fits and even kinda liking it
my back porch in the rain
friends asking "How are YOU doing?" and knowing they really want to know
anticipating the arrival of my most favorite first oldest daughter in the whole wide world
anticipation of seeing Darrell and Sheila, Jim and Diane
short but very sweet relief
being able to see PD, Mary and Henry through the miracle that is the web
little baby boys who can't take their eyes off Rob
big black dogs with large barks and no bite

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