Thursday, March 01, 2007

"set your seal upon my heart and live in me"

"honor and cherish what you have learned, but keep before you the questions..."

Jonathan Shively said this to my TRIM orientation group as confirmation that what we have experienced is an important part of who we are and what we are to become; caution to not consider education/knowledge the answer; encouragement to always seek that which we cannot see.

In considering his words, I have realized that they hold true for me as one who is seeking knowledge to assist me in whatever ministry God puts me in rather late in my life. They are also true for those who are much younger, are completing their formal educations and are also seeking their ministry in God's world.

Beth puzzled over her spending time in school instead of being out there - getting her hands dirty - actually serving and doing something. I puzzle over entering the world of academia and leaving some of the doing behind. I supposed that if we saw time through God's eyes instead of our own, perhaps we could make sense of it all. Since we can't, we will just have to be thankful for and listen to those Jonathans sent to remind us.

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