Tuesday, August 09, 2011

What's going on?

"I thought if I didn't hear laughter you all weren't here," said the one who came late. Unfortunately there was not much laughter for her to hear. Instead our lunch was filled with statements such as:

"I have a voice! I want to use it!"
"We have to support one another!"
"There are forces at work right here!"

Instead of humor, it was words of anger, fear, pain and need that were heard most. Instead of speaking through the laughter, we were speaking through the tears. Tears for others and tears for ourselves. Tears for what was, what is and what could be.

What is our focus though? Is it on the obstacles? Where are we placing our energies? Is it in complaining and angry words? The things blocking the way to peace cannot be ignored any more than the anger and hurt they bring to our souls. I can't help but believe, however, that if we focus on what we are called to do, to be; if we look to the One who calls us from the beginning, then the answers of peace will come.

But me, I'm not giving up. I'm sticking around to see what God will do.I'm waiting for God to make things right. I'm counting on God to listen to me. (Micah 7:7 The Message)

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