Sunday, May 31, 2009

Do, Do, Do, Lookin' Out My Back Door

2 weeks...I thought that wouldn't be so bad...I could handle that...especially with a great housemate like Jen! sleep for 4 nights because I was so in tune with my pregnant friend across the hall who was so uncomfortable...spending an afternoon in the doctor's office with her...getting up at 4am to take her to the airport so she could go entire week alone. Homesickness set in. I was ready to come home.

Then...the classmate from Rwanda speaks of his travels home after 3 years at Bethany. The new friend from Nigeria speaks of beginning his 3 years away from home. I feel guilty.

Then...the familiar mountains of Virginia come into view, the New River catches my eye, signs of Hokies begin to surface, the home Rob and I built together, Rob, the blooming Mountain Laurel, lilies and Morning Primrose in my back yard, my bed! my pillow! Cloverdale Church of the Brethren, "Welcome home!" "We missed you!" "So glad you're back!" "I hope it was a great class!" "Do you have all the answers now?"

I still feel a little bad that I could only take 2 weeks when others give up years, but still...I am ready to be home.

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