Sunday, September 17, 2006

Making it stick

"We discussed Paul writing to the Corinthians about things that were items of concern at that time and were asked if we were Paul writing to First Church instead of the Corinthians, what would we write about?"

"Did you say, "Get off your butts and do something?"

"No, I said, 'Keep going. You're not done yet."

Not quite as specific as I wanted to be, but then, I'm not sure the people in attendance could handle what I really wanted to say. Paul (Alwine, not biblical) said he felt that Paul (biblical) had to consider who he was writing to. He said that conversation was not just saying stuff, but it was saying things in a way that would stick with the listener. He felt that Paul (biblical) had to consider how people would take what he said and so he had to say it in a way that they would actually understand what he meant and not misunderstand his words because of their background...where they came from. He said he had to do the same thing when he wrote sermons.

Re one of my long-time teachers/mentors/friends:
Conversation. Not just talking, but making it stick.
Sermons. Not just talking, but making it stick.

1 comment:

Dana B said...


Thanks, Mom.