Saturday, October 25, 2008

memories of daddy

being drug by the sled all the way down the hill because you were afraid to let me go by myself
coming to watch me cheer
teaching me how to throw a football
taking me to work and letting me draw on the maps with the grease pencil
challenging me to ride the "big bike"
getting center court tickets for the Globetrotters
letting me wash the top of the truck
taking me with you on errands in that truck
not yelling when i wrecked "polly" twice or when i ran that red light while you were watching
rocking me until you thought i was asleep then carrying me to bed
sitting on the floor of my bedroom with me and convincing me not to run away from home
kissing me at my wedding
knowing that i was one of your "girls"
sharing birthday cakes
visiting your old buddies in Ky and you calling me your "baby"
when you told me your deepest and darkest moments
taking me to the hospital while i held a steak on my eye
and many, many more

happy birthday daddy, i miss you and love you

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oh, for a nice boring day

Michael (jokingly): "Some people live from one disaster to another. That's you!"

Yesterday was most definitely an eventful day and not one I want to repeat. Now that the sun is up and the birds are singing a new day, I can look at the events from a new perspective.

finding that there are times when emergency rooms are not cram-packed full in Salem
VA nurses, doctors and other medical staff who can be kind, gentle and understanding after having worked a full shift already
clear CT scans
experiencing Michael's belief that "drugs are our friends"
compassionate and dedicated pastors
the sound of laughter, prayer and I love you's from hospice staff
family who trusts you
experiencing the kindness and compassion of strangers - even those affected by your own negligence
airbags that do not work (yes, that's right, I said "do not")
people who seem to know what you need - those that know you and those that do not
gentle police officers
a husband who can be calm and friendly to others while I am a complete mess
a daughter who says, "I haven't driven that car in over a year, Mom. Isn't that the rule you use for getting rid of things anyway?"
friends who can sit and listen, talk and laugh and just make me smile once again

Thursday, October 09, 2008


A post from a fellow Bethany student concerning his current ministry:

"if i stay, will i go insane the next time i see an "i'm glad i'm white" bumper sticker?"

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Blest be the tie that binds

Today I learned that spiritual disciplines, alone and with others, are always a good thing. Examination. Servanthood. Agape. Communion. Fellowship. Prayer. Meditation.

Love Feast "reminds me of who I am." (SB)

walks with Rob, sitting in the courtyard with JC, Guy's earnest desire, Michael's southern gentleman ways of speaking his mind, seeing love in the eyes of those I have also come to love, words of assurance, Sue's gentle way of bringing me back to reality, Dava's, "I know exactly what you mean, Sister!" looks, realizing that I still need Wendy's on Sunday, hearing others voice appreciation and that needs are being met through those terrible "different ways"

(note to self: quite a long list for such an "irritating" day, huh?)