Me: "Yep, just like an appliance."
So went an exchange between myself and a member of the congregation where I have been called to serve as the Assistant Pastor.
The role of a pastor, the meaning of ordination within the Church of the Brethren, the training for leadership in the church. These topics have been among the many I have discussed with Dana Beth and several of those young adults she has spent the past 3 years with. For me, however, in the past 5 months, they have become most significant, especially today during my "installation service." The comment I made to Dana Belle was a little sarcastic and said in jest, but then as I see what Webster has for a definition of the word "install," I'm not so sure I was that far off....
1 a: to place in an office or dignity by seating in a stall or official seat b: to induct into an office, rank, or order
Yep, there it is "to set up for use or service." That's me.